Using notes

Using notes

You can very easily use notes to write down all kinds of things. For example, the conversation record of the phone call you just had, or of course you can make some notes during the conversation. You can write down thoughts and plans. And you can keep a business journal to write down briefly (or […]

Qraia lanceert Mailings

Qraia lanceert Mailings

Stuur jouw contacten eenvoudig een mailing, met de nieuwe koppeling. Op deze manier kan je eenvoudig contacten vanuit je CRM selecteren en die een nieuwsbrief of update sturen. Wij leggen je uit hoe het werkt en welke stappen je moet nemen. Want vanwege steeds strenger wordende spam en phishing controles, moet je een paar zaken […]

Get started with Qraia

Get started with Qraia

We’ll help you on your way. This way you can get started quickly and get the most out of Qraia CRM. Qraia is a super simple CRM system, so most of it should be self-explanatory. Here are the first tips and tricks. This is a small step-by-step plan to show you how to get started […]

Business Card

Business Card

You are in luck! When you have received our business card, you get a nice discount. Don’t you want that as well? Use the code “buscard” when you upgrade, and it will be added for you.

Why make it difficult when it can be easier?

Why make it difficult when it can be easier?

Experiences of a Qraia CRM System User VII This time I wanted to talk about the importance of this particular system that makes it easy to use . Unfortunately, many people tend to think that the purchase of such a system is expensive and time-consuming and that it is therefore only interesting for large companies […]

Werken in een CRM, volgens AI

The importance of collaboration within a simple CRM system

In today’s dynamic business world, customer relationship management is critical to the success of many businesses, whether they are self-employed, small business owners, or larger organizations. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems like Qraia’s provide a structured approach to organizing and analyzing customer information. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at the importance of […]

What is simple?

What is simple?

Experiences of a Qraia CRM system user VI We interpret the experiences of a user of Qraia CRM. How simple is that “simple CRM system” really? Can everyone work with this? Or are there other things we need to think about? In this blog, we will take a closer look at the meaning of simple, […]

Building and maintaining business relationships?

Building and maintaining business relationships?

Building and maintaining business relationships? Here’s how to do it! Building business relationships is important, but so is maintaining them. After all, the success of your business also depends on the network you have. A business relationship can be an investor or sponsor, but of course also a manufacturer or supplier. What steps do you […]

Ervaringen van een Qraia CRM-gebruiker IV

Ervaringen van een Qraia CRM-gebruiker IV

De vorige blog onder de noemer ‘ervaringen’ stond geheel in het teken van vakantie en vrije tijd. Altijd belangrijk om niet alleen hard te werken, maar ook te ontspannen! Inmiddels is deze periode voor de meeste mensen afgelopen en staat een nieuwe, en hopelijk drukke tijd voor de deur. En bij de invulling van die […]

Free address book

Free address book

Everyone needs an address book . Whether you have this in your head (very) old-fashioned, use a traditional paper address book, have all your contacts on your phone or use a special and simple crm system for it, it doesn’t really matter. Sometimes you are not even aware that you are using an address book, for example […]